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About Me

I have been dedicated to finding natural, holistic ways to work with the body for many years. Initially I was training to be a registered nurse but dealing with some health issues with my son when he was a toddler brought me to the realization that Western medicine was mostly about pharmaceuticals, not true health. The journey we took with him led me to the discovery of craniosacral therapy and the amazing benefits of this therapy.


After the life changing results we experienced with my son I became passionate about learning more about CST, to the point of changing my career path. I went back to school again to get my massage therapist license, graduating at the top of my class. Immediately upon graduating I delved into a craniosacral certification program with the gifted Ursula Popp in Seattle, WA. This program was unbelievably intense and challenging and definitely one of the best things I've ever done. 


I opened my own practice just prior to completing my certification and was blessed with wonderful clients and a very busy practice from day one. I was in my element and doing work I am passionate about and loved! 


As time went on my desire to live holistically and optimally inspired many dreams of growing and raising our food and in time becoming as self sufficient as possible. Eventually this led to the closing of my practice and saying goodbye to the life we knew to buy some land and begin homesteading in North Idaho. We raise our own meat and dairy, and grow as much as we can. It's constant hard work but we love this life and I've never felt so much like we're starting to live the way that we are supposed to be living. 


We are a multi-generational home; I am blessed to have a wonderful, supportive husband, 2 amazing young adult children, my parents and the two best dogs ever all under one roof. We have a flock of roughly 30-40 chickens, a herd of 19 goats, rabbits, and 3 geese and 6 ducks who mostly provide entertainment value. 


We are blessed in abundance and passionate about our lifestyle and homestead! 

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